What to expect at your appointment.


Your initial consultation will involve undertaking an extensive medical history and a timeline of events leading up to and around the time of injury or foot concern.

Depending on the type of foot issue that needs treating, we will address the causing factors and why they are presenting, as well as confirming a suspected timeframe of improvement, goals along the way and whether ongoing treatment is necessary.


When attending your initial podiatry appointment, it is helpful if you could please bring the following:

  • Referral: This is not a requirement to see our podiatrists, but some GPā€™s and other allied health providers give out hard copy referrals for podiatry patients.

  • Previous Results: If you have had imaging results prior to seeing us, please bring these in with you.

  • Footwear: Everyday, work, exercise, slippers ā€“ these can be beneficial for us to see what your feet live in.

  • Current or Previous Orthotic Devices

  • Medicare Card / Health Insurance Card: We can claim on the day for you with your health insurance card or Medicare card (please note, a referral from GP is required for Medicare claims).

Our podiatrists
are genuine, professional & experienced.